IB/M Praxis Core Requirement
Who Must Meet the Praxis Core Requirement?
According to state law, each person admitted to a teacher education program in Connecticut shall take the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators tests in reading, writing, and mathematics OR meet the requirements for a waiver (see below).
If you do not qualify for a waiver, create an account on the ETS site. Register to take the computer-delivered Praxis Core. Students will need to submit test scores by Aug. 1 (prior to entering the teaching program in the junior year).
Download Praxis Requirement Information flyer or see information below.
Computer-Based Tests:
Although there are minimum passing standards, students do not need to achieve the passing score in order to enter the teaching program. The IB/M program will use the scores diagnostically to determine if students need remediation in any area. However, students should spend time preparing for the tests (see page two for links to free test preparation materials), so we can accurately determine whether or not you need remediation.
- Core Academic Skills for Educators: Reading (Test #5713; Passing Score = 156)
- Core Academic Skills for Educators: Writing (Test #5723; Passing Score = 162)
- Core Academic Skills for Educators: Mathematics (Test #5733; Passing Score = 150)
- Core Academic Skills for Educators Combined Test #5752 (Reading, Writing, Mathematics)
Test Structure:
- Reading: 85 minutes; 56 selected-response questions based on reading passages & statement
- Writing: 100 minutes; 40 selected-response questions and two 30-minute essay questions
- Math: 90 minutes; 56 selected-response and numeric entry questions (on-screen calculator available)
- Combined Test: 5 hours
Test Locations:
- Dates: Offered year-round by appointment (Monday – Saturday)
- Locations: Glastonbury, Hamden, Hartford, Litchfield, New Haven (See ETS website for locations)
- Praxis Testing at Home
Registration: Praxis registration information, including test sites and dates, is available online. Study tips and practice tests are also available on the ETS website. Call 1-800-772-9476 for questions about the test.
Score Report Receipt: Score reports are available via your online account. You will receive an email when scores have been posted. Reading or math score results available 10-12 business days after testing window closes. Writing scores available 15-17 days after testing window closes.
Fees: 1 test: $90; Combined Test: $150
Fee Waivers: May be available for students with demonstrated need that meet the criteria (see ETS website).
Test Accommodations:
- Test takers with disabilities or health-related needs
- Requesting extended test time for test takers whose primary language is not English: Complete Certification of Documentation form, complete Eligibility Form, complete Test Authorization Voucher Request Form. Email or mail the completed Test Authorization Voucher Request Form, the Certification of Documentation Form and the Eligibility Form and email to disability.reg@ets.org.
Retest: You do not need to retake the test since passing scores are not needed to enter the program.
Recipient Code: Include the University of Connecticut as a score recipient: Code 3915. If you did not include UConn as a score recipient, you must contact ETS and have them send us a score report.
Test Preparation: For questions about the test and test-taking strategies, contact Dominique Battle-Lawson, dominique.battle-lawson@uconn.edu.
Praxis Waiver
How do I know if I am eligible for a Praxis waiver?
You are eligible for a Praxis waiver if you meet one of the following sets of criteria:
- SAT Waiver. A combined score of 1,100 or more on the SAT* (mathematics and critical reading sections only; does NOT include writing section) with neither the mathematics nor the critical reading subtest score below 450; or
- ACT Waiver. Scores no less than 22 on the English subtest and no less than 19 on the mathematics subtest on the American College Testing (ACT) program assessment.
* If you have taken the SAT on more than one occasion, your highest verbal score and your highest mathematics score will be combined.
If you DO MEET one of the criteria you must submit qualifying scores to UConn.
Current UConn students: To see if you qualify for the waiver, look at your ACT or SAT scores in High School Summary in the Student Administration system. If you qualify for the waiver AND your scores appear in PeopleSoft, you do not have to request test scores.
If you qualify for the waiver and are or were a transfer student and did not submit ACT or SAT scores to UConn when you applied, you MUST request official ACT or SAT scores and have them sent to UConn (SAT recipient code 3915; ACT recipient code 0604) by August 1 (prior to entering the teaching program in the junior year).
SAT Test Score Request: https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat/scores/sending-scores
ACT Test Score Request: http://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/the-act.html
If you DO NOT MEET one of the criteria listed above, you must take the Praxis Exam.
Praxis Subject Assessment
The Praxis Subject Assessment is required by the state of Connecticut as pre-condition for certification. All students in the IB/M Teacher Preparation Programs must complete and pass the Praxis Subject Assessment in their certification area. The Neag School of Education cannot recommend teacher candidates for certification until they have completed the Praxis Subject Assessment requirement, as well as all other program completion requirements. All students in the IB/M program take the Praxis Subject Assessment (or ACTFL for world language students) regardless of their future career plans to become certified or to teach in other states.
Recipient Code: Include the University of Connecticut as a score recipient: Code 3915. If you did not include UConn as a score recipient, you must contact ETS and have them send us a score report.
For complete information on the Praxis Subject Assessment, visit the Praxis website.
In the IB/M program, students must complete and pass the following exams which are required by the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE). The Praxis website, State Requirements page lists the required tests for certification in Connecticut.
For Elementary Education Students: Testing requirements include the Foundations of Reading test and Praxis Multiple Subjects Tests (5001; see Praxis link above).
For Special Education Students: Testing requirements include the Foundations of Reading test and Praxis Subject Assessment (5355).
For World Language Students: The CSDE has approved the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) and Writing Proficiency Test (WPT) for any world language endorsement. Call ACTFL at 1-800-486-8444 or register on line at languagetesting.com.
When should I take the Praxis Subject Assessment?
We require you to complete and pass the Praxis Subject Assessment so that we can recommend you for certification.We strongly recommend that you take the Praxis Subject Assessment before you begin your fifth year in the teacher preparation program. Most students take the exam during the summer following their student teaching assignment.
Praxis Subject Assessments are held according to the ETS schedule and are generally scheduled during the academic year. Praxis Subject Assessment scores arrive at the University 4-8 weeks after your test date. Therefore, you must plan ahead to make sure your test scores arrive in plenty of time to support your certification process. While most UConn students pass the Praxis Subject Assessment on the first try, some do not. We recommend that you take the test early enough so that, if you do not pass, you will have a chance to take the exam again before program completion. It is strongly recommended that students spend time preparing for the test(s). Preparation material is available on the ETS website and HuskyCT cohort site (current students).
If you have any questions about the Praxis Subject Assessment requirement, please contact the Certification Officer, Ann Traynor.
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