Portfolio Guidelines

IB/M Master's Portfolio Guidelines

During your time in Neag you have completed several assignments that are important components of a professional teaching portfolio. The portfolio will build on these previous assignments. It should highlight what you are able to do as a teacher, providing a variety of artifacts to show what you have learned and now know or can do. The resulting artifact will be a valuable resource during the process of applying and interviewing for teaching positions. 

Your portfolio will be completed during the spring semester of your Masters seminar course. If your seminar instructor is not your advisor, it is recommended that you consult with your advisor at some point during the portfolio process. 

Seminar leaders/advisors are encouraged to have a rubric to guide portfolio review. Please refer to the example rubric in the IB/M Program Admitted Student Handbook.

The professional teaching portfolio will consist of the following components:

Required items:

  • Statement of teaching philosophy (revised from junior or senior seminar)
  • Résumé (revised from junior or senior seminar)
  • Sample lesson plans/curriculum maps (revised from previous coursework/student teaching/internship)
  • Select student artifacts (from previous clinics/student teaching/internship)
  • Representative photos and videos of your teaching practices
  • Summary of inquiry project


Optional items:

  • Separate statements on anti-racism and diversity, socioemotional learning, classroom management, community and family engagement, global/intercultural competence, etc. You should be weaving elements of at least some of these topics into your teaching philosophy statement. However, if there is an area that you feel particularly strong in or passionate about, you may wish to complete a separate statement on this issue in consultation with your seminar instructor and/or advisor.
  • Transcripts (alternative: list GPA on résumé)
  • Documentation of licensure tests (alternative: list on résumé)
  • Professional Conferences and workshops attended (alternative: list on résumé)


Recognizing the increasing use of technology in school contexts, and to showcase some of the technological skills you have learned, the portfolio will be electronic in nature. Please choose the website-building platform you are most comfortable with in order to design your portfolio; your seminar instructor will also have some suggestions.

For examples of digital portfolios created by IB/M students in your certification area, please contact your seminar instructor or faculty advisor.

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