Frequently Asked Questions

Is financial assistance available?

Where do I go for late add/drop, excess credit authorizations, substitutions, or plan of study questions?

For excess credit authorizations, contact Sydnee Jones. For plan of study questions, contact Dominique Battle-Lawson (Elementary Education, Secondary History/Social Studies, Science, World Language) or Sydnee Jones (special education, Secondary English, Math, Music).

Where can I find information on my program?

Program Guidelines, Sample Semester Sequences, and Praxis Core Information are available online. You can also check out the cohort web resource pages on the Neag School website for updated information.

When should I take the Praxis II exam?

Most majors take the test in the summer after senior year.

Which Praxis II test(s) do I take?

Praxis II test information is available online from the Educational Testing Service. A more comprehensive description of the Praxis II is also available on the Neag School of Education website.

How can I pursue cross endorsement?

Students interested in cross endorsements should contact the State of Connecticut Bureau of Educator Preparation, Certification, Support and Assessment: You cannot receive a cross endorsement until you have received your initial certification.

How and when do I submit my undergraduate plan of study?

Students will submit a preliminary plan of study in junior year and a final plan of study in senior year. Directions will be posted in HuskyCT cohort site.

When do I apply for the Master’s program?

Students apply to the University of Connecticut Graduate School online by February 1 of their senior year.

How do I apply for the Master’s program?

Fill out the Graduate School online application. You do not need to include a personal statement or letters of recommendation. You do need to include official transcripts if you have attended universities other than UConn.

How and when do I submit the Master’s year plan of study?

Students will complete plan of study in the fall of master's year. Information on plan will be posted in HuskyCT cohort site.

How do I get certified?

Once you have completed the IB/M bachelor's degree, master's degree, pass all required CT tests, meet all other program requirements, you will be eligible for certification in Connecticut or other states.